In the table, there are 5 field. ohjob1-5
I need to show them if they start with 'GR'
SO in the formula, I want to say.
If OHJOB1 starts with 'GR' then ohjob1? the truth is i believe they want the max.
the data would be something like this.
I want to show GROUP9 only if possible. I have this formula called JOB1 to see if GR is there.
Left({OEORh2.Ohjob1},2) = 'GR'
this will return true or false. How to determine which has the largest group number? I need something like this.
if job1 = true then {OEORH2.OHJOB1} for showing the 'group' data. how to get the largest of the group' is a different issue.