I would like to use sap.m.carousel, but I can't seem to get it to work.
If I add the control like this it will show what's in the <ObjectHeader> block, but not the rest:
<Carousel class="carousel" id="carouselMain" showBusyIndicator="false" loop="true" pages="{/people}"> <Label class="Label1" text="00:00:00"/> <Label class="Label2" text="00:15:00"/> <Button id="btnTimer" class="timerButton start" press="onButtonClick" text="Start" type="Unstyled" width="100%"/> <ObjectHeader> <attributes> <ObjectAttribute title="{Id}" text="{Id} - {Name}" /> </attributes> </ObjectHeader> </Carousel>
What can I use instead of native HTLM in the carousel?