I have WM Storage types A and B,As per Client requirement, Batches available in Storage type A should not determine while Sales Order creation.
In my present scenario, Batch 1(SLED-01/01/2017) is available in Storage type A ,Batch 2(SLED-01/01/2018) available in Storage type B
while Sales order creation, as per Batch determination procedure, batch 1 is determining in SO, Because Batch 1 is going to Expire First.
My requirement is Irrespective of SLED dates, if I create Sales order, batch 1 should not pick(Batches available in Storage type A should not consider, even though batch1 is going to expire first ).
I hope above requirement is clear.
Note : we have given below work around solutions. But client is not happy
- Change Batch1 status to Restricted(before SO creation), after change batch status back to un-restricted.
- Storage type search(T.code:OMLY), removed the storage type A in OMLY.
Can you give some ideas or any exit.
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