Hi Dieter,
Your suggestion is very helpful to me. In my own cmisProxyServlet I did as following:
1.In request.session replaced the value of attribute "com.sap.ecm.api.ecm.reqhost" with the host address of target tenant.
2.In request.session replaced the value of attribute "com.sap.ecm.api.ecm.baseurl" with the target tenant repo url.
3.Changed the request server name to the same value as "reqhost" in step 1
I test it with cmis workbench and it works!
For the repository url , I think we can use EcmService to get the tenant repository info and get the url in the end.
On another hand I want to look into sessionLookup.getEcmServerUrl() method and generate the correct repo url without sending any httpRequest to the real repo server.But I can not find the source code of com.sap.ecm.api.internal.SessionLookup.
Thank you a lot!