I want to give attachment uploading functionality in table format, so that for every employee user can upload separate attachment.
The navigation mode for the table is Paginator.
I am trying to use sap.ui.unified.FileUploader in a column.It gets successfully displayed but however when I try to upload files and then go to the next page those files remain there itself.
The name of the files are getting changed once I upload different files for two pages, but the files are getting replaced i.e. if I upload "text1.pdf" in first uploader of page 1 and "text2.pdf" in first uploader of page2 and the come back on page 1 and click on the first uploader the value of the uploader shows as "text2.pdf".
See this example: http://jsfiddle.net/ed17a6s1/
Can anyone solve the query??
Is there anyone who have successfully implemented this?