Hi Sakthivel,
Thanks for the info.
I did tried removing any events and checking the network, every time I toggle to the maps tab there is a request to the map server.
Well I replaced the map url and gave a static website, it too refreshes so this is not the map that's causing the issue.
In UI5 tabs are divs and they they are set visible dynamically when you toggle between tabs, now the iframe component within the Div has the standard behavior to reload when the state is changed, this is what I found on iframe behavior in web.
Well I tested it with <html:object> component, it too behaves the same irrespective of the URL, so the last test I am about to test it get the XHTMLResponse of the url and inject it into DIV directly which eliminates usage of <html:> components and thus iframe completely.
Will keep you posted when I could complete the test.